Is AI a threat to our privacy ?
Copy linkArtificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a ubiquitous technology in our modern lives. From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to personalized advertising and recommendation systems, AI has transformed the way we interact with technology. However, as AI becomes more sophisticated and ubiquitous, there are growing concerns about the impact it may have on our privacy. In this blog post, we will explore the question of whether AI is a threat to our privacy, and consider the potential risks and benefits of this powerful technology.
Encryption has long been the cornerstone of secure communication and data protection. But as the world becomes increasingly reliant on digital technologies, hackers are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities to exploit. In recent years, AI has emerged as a powerful tool for cracking encryption, forcing cybersecurity experts to stay ahead of the game.
One of the most significant advancements in AI-assisted encryption cracking is the development of neural networks that can quickly learn patterns and make predictions. In the past, encryption cracking was a manual process that required human experts to analyze and decipher encrypted data. However, with the help of AI, computers can now perform this task much more efficiently.
One of the most notable examples of AI-assisted encryption cracking was the development of the Deep Crack machine in 1998. This machine, designed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), was built to crack the Data Encryption Standard (DES), a popular encryption algorithm at the time. Deep Crack was able to crack a DES-encrypted message in just 56 hours, a task that would have taken a human expert approximately 149 trillion years to complete.
Since then, AI has continued to play an increasingly important role in encryption cracking. In 2015, researchers from the University of Maryland used a machine learning algorithm to crack the RSA encryption algorithm. They were able to do this by using a technique known as "side-channel analysis," which involves analyzing the power consumption of a device while it performs encryption tasks.
More recently, AI has been used to crack the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), a widely used encryption algorithm. In 2019, researchers from the University of Surrey in the UK used AI to crack AES-256, a version of the algorithm that is considered to be virtually unbreakable. The researchers used a machine learning algorithm to analyze encrypted data and identify patterns that could be used to guess the encryption key.
While the use of AI in encryption cracking has raised concerns about the security of digital communications, it has also forced cybersecurity experts to up their game. As encryption algorithms become more complex, AI will play an increasingly important role in helping to keep data secure.
AI has the potential to significantly enhance cyber security and data privacy by detecting and preventing security breaches in real-time. One of the biggest challenges in cyber security is the sheer volume of data that needs to be analyzed in order to detect threats. AI-powered systems can analyze huge amounts of data much more quickly and accurately than humans, identifying patterns and anomalies that could indicate a potential threat. Additionally, AI can be used to create predictive models that can identify potential future threats based on past patterns of activity. This allows organizations to proactively address potential risks before they become major problems. AI can also be used to improve data privacy by identifying sensitive data and ensuring it is properly secured and protected.
Overall, the use of AI in cyber security and data privacy has the potential to greatly enhance our ability to protect sensitive data and keep it out of the hands of those who would use it for malicious purposes.

Dimitar Stojkoski
Co-Founder & CTO
May 09, 2023