Hoyo Tech Lecture at Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering in Skopje (FINKI)
Copy linkOur Co-Founder and CTO Dimitar Stojkoski was invited to be a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering in Skopje (FINKI)
By invitation of Prof. Dr. Petre Lameski to attend his Mobile Information Systems class, the main goal was to share some real-world experience in software development. He explained some basic principles and methodologies we use in Hoyo Tech as well as what technologies we use for the products we develop. He also talked about our smart home solution Hoyo Home and some of the IoT technologies we currently implement like MQTT, ZWAVE, BLE, and even the future of IoT - Matter.
IoT is one of the most popular areas in computer science and is currently being implemented in virtually every part of our lives. Even the most common household appliances now have IoT capabilities and our goal is to bring all of them into one central hub.
We got very positive feedback and some interesting discussions on these topics and we hope that we even motivated some young eager minds to try and develop something of their own. Hope that we even see some of them join our #teamhoyo.

Angela Jauleska
Frontend Developer
Dec 20, 2022